Dream Journaling: What You Need To Know!

We should all have a concrete practice of cataloging our dream symbols into our own books. But why, you ask?

By recording your dream symbols, you're creating a valuable resource for yourself and future generations, including your children and grandchildren. Think of it as a personalized guide that spans time, providing necessary insight.

Family & Cultural Connection

Your dreams are trying to communicate to you using symbols in a way that you understand. These symbols are influenced by various factors like our psyche, the spiritual realm, cultural norms/understanding, and our ancestry. Consequently, family members and those from similar backgrounds often share common dream symbols.

In general, the interpretation of dream symbols can be highly individualized. For instance, seeing a snake in a dream may hold different meanings for different people or cultural groups. This complexity makes dream analysis intriguing, and this is more of a reason to start building your own dream book to help you and your descendants easily decode the messages.

Navigating Dreams: Seeking Clarity and Insight

Sometimes, unfamiliar symbols in our dreams lead us to seek answers from others who may have insights or information crucial to our journey. It's important to note that some symbols are apparent, while others require more attention to decipher.

Also note that in all dreams, symbols are not the only indicator of meaning. It is also determined by how you feel in the dream. 

If you're intrigued by dream interpretation, consider exploring our Dream Divination services. Discover more here.

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